
A vision board is a piece of heart art. I will take you through fun and insightful exercises to uncover what you really, really want, then curate a series of photos that represent the feelings behind your desires. As the vision board reveals itself to you, the dreamy life you are creating takes shape.

Equal parts science and spiritual, a vision board created with the Dare to Declare method taps into how your brain works to manifest the vision you have for your life. Alongside the neuroscience, the habits we develop signals to the universe we are ready to co-create a more abundant life. There is no limit to what we can create, are you ready to dream that big?

More than just a vision board, we will discuss strategies and practices to work through limiting beliefs, protecting your energy, and developing habits that, when maintained, can further the manifestation process.

The one-on-one experience is you and I meeting over Zoom for four weekly sessions. We can adjust the timing and frequency as needed, but is generally the timing. There will be exercises, conversation, and only a little homework between sessions. At the end, you will not only have your vision board, you will also have strategies to create the life you dream of.

Who is Dawn?

I started this journey the day I had my first panic attack. In that moment, I not only felt different than my classmates, I was different, in my mind anyways. That painful moment started me on my path of changing my mindset, practicing mindfulness, and immersing myself into my priorities. I was desperate to find a solution that would “fix” me.

Fast forward many years and I am a single mom who has recovered from substance use disorder, mental health issues, had been let go from jobs, and left toxic relationships including an abusive marriage. All of that crap, made me resilient and relentless in finding solutions and elevating a growth mindset. When I say I know what it means to be hopeless - I know. When I talk about knowing that you are meant for more - I know. If I say you can get yourself out of mediocre existence - I know you can.

I am saying all of this as a white woman from Canada with the privilege that comes with being born into that life. I believe that there are possibilities to get from where you are to where you want to be. Someone just like you has, and that means you can too.

From all of this, I have manifested new jobs, a business, several thousands of dollars, a new home, and the right people in my life to help guide me on the path to launching this business as a writer, creator, and vision board facilitator.


#1 Two additional coaching sessions with me after we create the Vision Board. This gives you opportunities to test the habits we’ve developed for making progress towards making your dream life a reality. We can affirm what is working and fine tune areas to fit your life and your vision. Value: $369

#2 Presents in the mail! Who doesn’t like receiving packages in the mail? With the One-On-One Vision Board Coaching I will send you a notebook, a fun pen and markers, a crystal hand picked for you, an affirmation card, and the Dare to Declare Vision Board Magazine. $55

#3 Three months free access to the monthly Vision Journal Mastermind. This is a monthly subscription to work with me and other success oriented women on your Vision Journal in a co-working type session, then work through our questions, inspirations, opportunities, and issues to move forward on our visions.


Book your first of four appointments.

The price of $1,477.00 includes all four appointments.